The Work: Artist / group exhibition / 4 – 27 June 2021

SKIB SØGER HAVN is a personal work, a sweet and bitter patchwork of my experiences and moods when moving to DK, in color, form and material.


Both countries, Holland and Denmark, have a history of being explorers braving the oceans to find answers to questions like: who and what else is out there? But when we experience this adventure of migrating ourselves, we are faced with questions such as: who are we and where do we belong?


In our time where different nationalities and cultures flow through basically every family-bloodline and migration has brought millions of people across borders, these questions are relevant and more complex than ever.



Where flags often symbolize an end or a starting point, I see the sail as a symbol of the journey; freedom; identity, regardless of nationality or family; fluid and in constant motion; influenced and shaped by the meetings and the places where you dock. 



DUCK RESIDENCE is a group exhibition held in 3 lakes in Jutland, Denmark: Jordbro Engsø, Hjarbæk fjord and Sondersø.

The theme “Nordens Lys “ and “Residence” ignited SKIB SØGER HAVN – a series of boatsails near the shore of Jordbro Engsø. 


Braving the winds that come from all directions, these sails symbolise despair and hope. They symbolise the journey from home to a new home and create a union between the two.